Valihaus -Hungary

About Us
About Us
Valihaus -Apaprtman Heviz
Location in Heviz
Contact Us
Valihaus-Budapest Hostel
Valihaus- Apartmens Budapest

Customers like to know about the company behind the services they buy.


On this page we will tell you about ourselves.

Welcome on our homepage. We are glad to serve you with our tourist friendly services. We are young, ambitious persons with tourism degree and with several years of working experience (18 years in the incoming tourism industry). We have been always dealing with tourists; and we know that they have lots of different claims and expectations and that we have to satisfy everybody.

Send us your request and you receive an answer within 24 hours. If you need additional information or you have special inquire (quadruple room, more apartments at the same zone, etc.) dont hesitate to contact us.

This is where we will explain our company background and describe how we got to where we are today. For example, we might talk about how long we have been in business, or any awards or honors we have won. We might also talk about our dedicated staff, and the importance of customer satisfaction.

Our Philosophy

Our mission statement or purpose of the business will go here. For example, we believe in the highest quality products and services for all of our customers. We believe our customers are our greatest asset, and we are dedicated to serving your needs.

Valihaus-Heviz * Fecske utca 9.* Heviz * Hungary * 8380